You can see how incredible this team is. There is no way I could've done any of this without them. Virginia has rocked this blog. She is so good at it. Vanessa has done a fabulous job on getting the kits together and keeping it organized. Shelley and Katie have taken these products and done some UnbElieVabLe things with them. Of course, there's Brittney, she has been such a huge support in this whole endeavor and one of the most encouraging people I have been around......You will be so blown away by all of the designers! I just love how we can all take the exact same products and come up with totally different ideas.......this is an incredible experience and I am so honored to be a part of it. Thank YOU!
I wanted to try and answer a few questions. It seems the biggest one is.........How do I sign up?
This is probably my FavoRitE question! hehe It is also one of the hardest to! We have the sign up area set up......still working on connecting it to the site and the accounts! So......we have a list and as SOON as we get it together I will post a link and you will be able to sign up and get ready to play! Woohoo!!!
- thegirltx - the add-on kits will be offered to the subscribers and those who buy the Monthly dose. If we have an overdose we will have them for sale until the end of the month!
Lynn said...
This is so cool! I was hoping Scrap ETC would offer kits! Will people who don't "subscribe" be able to purchase any leftover kits?
Chere said...
What day of the month will you previews come out? Please tell me you will have enough for you monthly members? Can't wait.
Chere said...
Where do we sign up? I do not want to miss tomorrow deadline.
- So far......that is all the questions from you! I guess Virginia did a great job at explaining everything! Not that I ever doubted her.
thanks to all of you who commented..............
Thanks for the info, Virginia. One question I have is: can us locals pick up the kits at the store and save on shipping?
Linh - we will give you an instore credit on your shipping. Since the shipping is added in already and it would be too confusing to go through and take it out each month. So, when you come by to pick up your can have a little credit in the store!
I want to know if you can buy the supplement kit or the side effect kit if you don't buy the Monthly dose??