Monday, January 18, 2010

Have you seen these blogs?

I thought I'd share some blog links with you today. I know that several of these were passed on to me from friends so I thought I'd do the same!

This blog - U Create - has links to other blogs with wonderful ideas and tutorials. I think have of my starred items in my Google reader are from this blog. The bad thing (if that's possible) about this blog is each post leads you somewhere else, so you know - you'll be adding that to your blog reader, as well!!

Here's a few of my faves:

Burlap Magnets

Gathered Pillow
Burlap and magnet Board

Did you know burlap is IN? It is!

Here's another I really love - The Idea Room - there are so many great ideas here for decorating - and she's done one whole blog post on valentine ideas! You better believe I'm going to buy some candy canes at Michaels tomorrow (they are 25 cents a box) and make the first thing she has shown here!!

I have about a million more blogs I read on a daily/bi-weekly basis and seriously I bookmark and star them like crazy. I'm not sure what I would do without my Google Reader.

So, what blogs do you love for home decorating ideas?

How do you keep up with all your blog reading?


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